
The Terse Blog is edited by M. Danko

Writers do not write only to inform others; mostly we write to inform ourselves.* And in this tradition I offer to you this Terse Blog –– an outlet for expression and hopefully an inspiration for self-education.
    I make no apologies for any offense that anyone might claim in regard to what is published here. The topics I cover are vast and far too important to be taken lightly. If you are among the 70 percent or so of the population who are only searching for confirmations to their biases; that is if you approach politics and moral questions as a team sport; and if you are accustomed to consuming narrative-journalism, then please read no further, as what follows will, in all likelihood, just be too serious for you.
    On the other hand, if you are of an inquisitive nature, and you seek understanding; if you enjoy spirited debate and are pursuing a new dialectic; and especially if you like being shown something new and different, and are willing to question your own first principles, then by all means, please continue.
    And feel free to quote briefly from, and link to, any of the posts on this blog, preferably with the proper attribution.
    Finally, please send all correspondence to If you would like to support this blog –– my writing and my art –– then please make a donation via PayPal. You may also purchase any of the products found on this site via the affiliated links (of which I earn a commission).