Saturday, September 11, 2021

Racism Never Comes From The Left

The conservative talkshow host Larry Elder is running for Governor of California on the stipulation that Gavin Newsom is successfully recalled from office. While touring a homeless encampment in Vience, Elder was attacked by a white woman wearing a gorilla mask. She threw an egg at Elder and slapped his security guard; while two men also struck the security guard.
    Unlike the woman walking her dog in Central Park who called the cops after being confronted by a black birdwatcher, and then had her life destroyed by the media,* this woman in the gorilla mask will not be considered racist. While her target Larry Elder is black, he is also Republican. We still don’t know name of the masked, white, female attacker.
    Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva wants the woman found and charged with a hate crime. He Tweeted:
QUESTION: How is this not a hate crime?
ANSWER: Because 'woke privilege' means a white woman can wear a gorilla mask and attack a black man without fear of being called a racist. Where is the outrage from our politicians? #Hypocrisy #WokePrivilege @LarryElder @GavinNewsom.
Former Democratic State Senator Gloria Romero, who is an Elder supporter, responded with a tweet of her own and listed several politicians who have yet to speak out on the attack:
Thank you, Sheriff, for calling it out. Where’s @LAdemocrats @latimes @LAPDChiefMoore @GavinNewsom @VP @RobertGarcia @fionama @BettyYeeforCA @EleniForCA @CASenateDems @AssemblyDems @LaOpinionLA? Don’t hide now! Can you decry the racism against @larryelder.
Police are asking for help from the public to identify the three suspects, including the woman in the gorilla mask. The candidate Elder later remarked, “She might be one of the 20,000 felons from our prisons released by our soft-on-crime governor.”
    Kyle Smith writes at the New York Post:
According to our nation’s media leaders, it’s not a story that a white person wearing a gorilla mask attacked Larry Elder, a black man seeking to become the first non-white governor of California, by hurling an egg that touched his head.
If Larry Elder were a Democrat, this attack would be the only news being covered right now.
We would be treated to multiple news analyses about the history of the usage of gorilla tropes against blacks. Joy-Ann Reid, Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon would be doing hour-long broadcasts on the attack, convening panels discussing just how the attack pulls the scab off racism in America, and proves we have so much work left to do in dealing with the problem. Vox would commission a series about California’s grim history of racism dating back to the Chinese Exclusion Act, and Asian-American and Latino writers would hasten to explain that California’s historic hostility to all sorts of persons of color is as traditional as its Tournament of Roses parade.... 
    The woman who threw the egg at Elder would find her picture, her name, and everything she’d ever said on social media scrutinized at great length and on the home pages of the leading news sites. Her appearance would be mocked by late-night comedians. Dozens of reporters would be sent out to learn this woman’s story, to check out where she lived, where she worked, and where she went to school.
Kim Iversen at The Hill provides a brutal commentary on Gavin Newsom and the Democratic Party. She says that by underestimating Larry Elder the Democratic Party in California is making the same mistake that Hilary Clinton made in underestimating Donald Trump. And instead of engaging Elder seriously, they are simply resorting to the same scare tactics they used against Trump. Obviously they can’t play the racism accusation against Elder, or at least not effectively, as demonstrated by this LA Times op-ed. Instead they say Elder will usher in a Trump-like agenda (despite that the California State Legislature is fully controlled by Democrats) or that Elder will turn California into Texas (funny, considering Californians are leaving the state in droves for other states like Texas). And no one thought Arnold Schwarzenegger had a chance to take the governorship of the Golden State, yet that’s exactly what happened.
    Democrats are also attempting to label voters in favor of recalling Gavin Newsom as conspiracy-theorists and anti-vaxers. But the millions of California residents who want Newsom gone are upset with how the pandemic was handled in their state; how the wildfires were blamed on climate change rather than the leftist environmental policy of not clearing dead brushwood from forests; and how the homeless have taken over once pristine and safe areas all over the state’s major cities. These are not partisan issues, they are the basic components of civil society, and the Democrats have been derelict. Notice that half of the candidates posed to run after Newsom’s recall are not Republicans.

M. Danko
September 11, 2021
* I must recommend Bari Weiss’s podcast Honestly and specifically the episode of August 3, “The Real Story of ‘The Central Park Karen,’” in which she interviews  Kmele Foster of the Fifth Column podcast who did the extensive journalism—necessary as it is rare—capturing evidence and conducting interviews with all the players but one. What you learn will shock you.